Insulation for Tasmania


Wool, used by early man as a natural insulator, still retains the same fundamental advantages over other insulation materials that has distinguished it for thousands of years.

Environmentally friendly, non-allergenic and naturally flame retardant natural wool insulation has a high thermal resistance. Wool is durable, resilient and safe to install – wool is a renewable resource. Wool fibres are naturally superior to synthetic fibres, as well as longer lasting. The flexibility of the wool fibre also makes it more durable. A wool fibre can be bent back on itself more than 20,000 times without breaking, compared to about 3,000 times for cotton and 2,000 times for silk.

The capacity to absorb makes wool a ‘temperature regulator’ because it can protect the body in both cold and warm conditions. Wool always absorbs moisture from the atmosphere of greater humidity and releases it to the drier environment as it create a balance in moisture conditions. This characteristic makes wool a versatile all-season fabric.

When wool absorbs moisture it actually emits energy which warms the wool and prevents condensation. During the winter season you will lose up to 25% through the walls, 45% through the ceiling and 15% through floors. The opposite flow rate will occur in summer. Be cool in summer and warm in winter by carefully installing wool insulation into your home.

Natural wool insulation has been tested under AS/NZS 1530.3-1999 for early fire hazard performance.


  • Nature’s own fire retardant
  • Allergy-free comfort zone
  • Durability – natural wool has stood the test of time
  • Moth-proofed
  • Competitively priced in the marketplace
  • On-going investment
  • Year round savings on conditioning of the home
  • Future proof – won’t shrink or move. Last the lifetime of your home.

Natural Wool Insulation’s thermal wool range will fight against condensation, unlike man-made materials. When wool absorbs moisture it actually emits energy which warms the wool and prevents condensation.


  • Bulk Fill Wool R4
  • Wool Batts R4, R2 & 2.5
  • Wool Blend Batts
  • Polyester Batts
  • Underfloor, Ceilings, Walls
  • Removal of Existing Insulation
Natural Wool Insulation Tasmania


For over 35 years, Paul ‘Bones’ Sheehan has been helping insulate Tasmanian homes and businesses.

When it comes to quality insulation, Natural Wool Insulation Tasmania use Australia’s finest insulation.

Insulation for the ceiling, walls and underfloor

Increase Your Comfort and Reduce Your Bills Today with Natural Wool Insulation Tasmania

Contact us today for comfort that lasts

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    Or give Bones a holler on 1800 804 366 or 0419 917 794

    Natural Wool Insulation Tasmania on the job

    Underfloor insulation install in Tasmania
    Completed underfloor insulation
    Insulation install